Ahmet Emin UNAL
About Me
Hi, my name is Ahmet Emin Ünal.
I am a PhD student in Computer Engineering at Istanbul Technical University, and R&D Machine Learning Engineer at adesso Turkey.
I have a Master's degree in Computer Engineering at Istanbul Technical University and have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Abdullah Gül University.
I am interested in artificial intelligence, data science, computer vision, robotics, simulation technologies, and mobile app development.
I have extensive training in java, python, and in machine learning technologies.
I enjoy learning and teaching complex topics to peers.
I am accustomed to agile teamwork, and I usually take the role of implementer and completer-finisher.
my Portfolio ↴
Istanbul Technical University,
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Computer Engineering Master's Student
Oct 2024 - Present (Expected: 05/2028)
Oct 2024 - Present (Expected: 05/2028)
PhD Student
Works with Prof. Dr. Burak Berk Üstündağ in neuromorphic multimedia data coding studies.
Istanbul Technical University,
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Computer Engineering Master's Student
Oct 2021 - May 2024
Oct 2021 - May 2024
Master's Degree Graduate
GPA : 3.8/4.00
Abdullah Gül University,
Kayseri, Turkey
Kayseri, Turkey
Computer Engineering
Aug 2017 - May 2021
Aug 2017 - May 2021
Bachelor's Degree Graduate
GPA : 3.71/4.00 - (Departmental Courses: 3.86/4.00)
College of Mount Saint Vincent,
New York, USA
New York, USA
English for Academic Purposes
Jun 2018 - Sep 2018
Jun 2018 - Sep 2018
Graduated with Level 8 (Advanced) English at ELS
Work Experience
adesso Turkey
R&D Data Science Specialist / Engineer January 2021 - Present
Training machine learning and data science interns in the R&D department. Supervising the part-time machine learning and data science employees in the R&D department.
Currently working on a international EUREKA project "Innovating Sales and Planning of Complex Industrial Products Exploiting Artificial Intelligence" under ITEA-4 cluster. Leading work package tasks in dynamic price estimation, customer and product segmentations, and component integration.
Worked on a real-estate image analysis project with REMAX, which aims to predict room types by analyzing rental listing images, predict quality of these images in terms of technical, aesthatical, and compositional quality for selecting the best image as thumbnail, and estimating the time of sale and real estate price by using image and listing description features.
Achieved near state-of-the-art results on room type classification for rental images.
Technologies used: Python, Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch, OpenCV, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Matplotlib
R&D Part-Time Employee September 2019 - January 2021
Worked on creating a specific graphical programming interface for companies to use which is connected to the generated Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT, a decenteralized database) framework, a web-based admin panel and a mobile application with instant app feature.
Worked on sharing economy projects in an R&D team. Created an Android mobile application with Java, integrated an interactive map functionality (MapBox API), and used Firebase as a NoSQL database with cloud technology.
Worked on a reinforcement learning project to embed as a backend of an application. Created the agent model in Python with Tensorflow and the environment in C# with Unity (with ml-agents + gym library). Trained the model with cloud computing.
Worked remotely (with Git and Microsoft Teams) in Scrum methodology.
Machine Learning Internship June 2019 - September 2019
Worked on a project which aims to predict emotions in real-time by combining facial expressions and speech features (acoustic and linguistic).
Achieved better accuracy results than the current state of the art model. (CNN with SVM and ResNet50)
Used different pre-processing techniques such as face frontalization, detection, and kirsch compass masks for various datasets. (FER2013, JAFFEE, CK+ and IEMOCAP).
Technologies used: Python, Tensorflow, Keras, OpenCV, Dlib, LibROSA, Scrum, Git
Information Technology Engineering Internship July 2020 - September 2020
Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI)
Worked on creating process automatization tools and scripts for the company.
Worked on python for handling API communication to create change and incidents on service desk.
Automatized the creation of IT web forms with javascript.
Technologies used: Python (Requests Library), Javascript, HTML DOM, CSS, JQuery,
Smart Systems Test and Development Internship June 2020 - July 2020
Worked on converting raspberry PIs to PLC computers.
Created a portal in python as a GUI for working on the environment.
Created a TCP/IP network connection with socket programming in python for using the hardware as a server.
Technologies used: Python, Tkinter, Raspberry Pi, Low-level networking interface (Socket Python Library)
Data Scientist (Project Worker) Jan 2020 - June 2020
Energy Usage Optimization on 5G Networks, Erasmus+ International Collaboration Project
Worked with a team of four international people to made a market analysis and to achieve a technique to improve energy consumption on base stations of 5G networks.
Used Matlab and NS3 simulations to optimize the hyper parameters of the algorithm using reinforcement learning. Used various data mining algorithms to analyze and visualize for a case study.
Software Engineering (Project Worker) February 2019 - July 2019
Took part in the development and testing of building a REST API for database querying in the backend.
Used various frameworks such as Node.js, Ramda.js, and Mocha.js.
Carried out agile teamwork with a team of six international people in Scrum methodology.
Used project management tools like Github, Trello, and Slack efficiently during the progress of the project.
Ünal, A. E., Boyar, H., Pak, B. K., Yıldız, M. C., Erten, A. E., & Güngör, V. Ç. (2023, December). Man-hour Prediction for Complex Industrial Products. In 2023 4th International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (IISEC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/IISEC59749.2023.10416261 LINK
Unal, A. E., Gezer, C., Pak, B. K., & Gungor, V. C. (2022). Generating Emergency Evacuation Route Directions Based on Crowd Simulations with Reinforcement Learning. In 2022 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU). 2022 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/asyu56188.2022.9925560 LINK
Ünal, A. E., İnce, G., Ay, K., Öztürk, S., & Gezer, C. (2022). An Easily Configurable Customer Loyalty Framework Using Distributed Ledger Technologies. In International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (pp. 767-774). INFUS 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 307. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85626-7_89 LINK
Unal, A. E., Tasdemir, K., & Bahcebasi, A. (2021). PCB Component Recognition with Semi-supervised Image Clustering. In 2021 29th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). 2021 29th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/siu53274.2021.9477791 LINK
Technical Skills
Android Studio, Anaconda, Eclipse, Git, JetBrains, Jupyter, Microsoft Office, MS Visual Studio, VMware, VirtualBox, Cygwin64, x64dbg, QtSpim, 3DS Max, GIMP
Programming and Markup Languages
Java (3 years experience), Mobile Programming (Java), Python(2 years experience), C#, C, C++, Javascript, Assembly, HTML, XML, MIPS, (Familiar - CSS, Visual Basic, Linux Shell, and Bash Programming)
Database Management
MySQL, Firebase, SQLite, MongoDB, MS SQL Server(Familiar)
Python (Keras, Matplotlib, Numpy, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, OpenCV), Javascript (Node.js, React, Mocha, Ramda), C# (Unity), Java (OpenGL, Processing), C/C++ (Gem5, Intel Pin)Project Management Tools
Trello, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Hangouts, Github
VIITA Concept Mobile Hackathon - Second Prize
Developed a customer statistics tracking application for sports coaches, with a team of three.
Standing on the High Honor Roll of Abdullah Gul University
INZVA - Algorithmic Competition Summer Camp (2018)
Coursera - Machine Learning Course Certificate (2019)
COMPEC - Boğaziçi DataCamp 2020 Data Science Summit (2020)
Global AI Hub - Introduction to Machine Learning (2020)
PRINCIPAI - Automatic Topic Classification of News Articles with Deep Learning based NLP (2020)
Turkish - Native
English - Advanced, Proficient (ELS: Level 8)
Japanese - Intermediate, Conversational (1 year of Japanese course in my university)
German - Beginner (3 years of German classes in my high school)
Technical: Electronics (Arduino, Raspberry Pi) • Robotics • Cyber Security • Internet of Things • Augmented Reality • 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing)
Non-technical (Hobbies): Game Development • Digital Drawing • 3D Modelling and Sculpting • Piano
Bachelor's Degree Curriculum - Technical Courses (extend by clicking)
Attended Courses
System Programming - Unix and Linux, Shell scripting, makefile, users, directories, terminal control and signals, event driven programming, i/o redirection and pipes, servers and sockets, threads
Formal Languages and Automata Theory - Finite automata, regular languages (Regex), state machines, grammar formalism, context free grammars, push down automata, turing machine, computability theory
Computer Networks - Internet, protocols, standards, OSI model, TCP/IP, network layers (physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, application)
Embedded Systems - Microcontrollers, development boards, ARM processor, softwares and instruction set, embedded software development, interrupts, embedded OS, internet of things, signal processing
Analysis of Algorithms - Asymptotic analysis, shortest path algorithms, divide and conquer, traversals(DFS/BFS), graph algorithms, matrix algorithms, distributed algorithms, string matching, computational geometry, NP-completeness, tree algorithms, machine learning algorithms
Operating Systems - GCC, C language, processes, CPU scheduling, process synchronization, deadlocks, memory management, storage and file systems
Computer Organization - Assembly, MIPS, arithmetic operations, processing units, instructors, processor organization, control unit design, memory organization, I/O organization, peripherals, multiprocessor configurations, microprogramming, parallel organization
Introduction to Robotics - Actuators and drives, robot controller, I/O interface, sensor analysis, kinematics, differential motion, compliance, end-effecter, non-holonomic system, linear systems, coordinate transforms, motion modeling, manipulators simulation on Matlab
Artificial Intelligence - Graph traversals/search/sort, fuzzy logic, pattern recognition, markov decision process, reinforcement learning, policy optimization, agent programming
Software Engineering - Agile methodologies, software development processes, project management, software testing, GUI programming
Database Management Systems - SQL, NoSQL, Database Management, MySQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server
Mobile Programming - Learned programming Android applications, mobile technologies (Android Studio, Xml, Emulators), asynchronised programming and APIs
Data Structures and Algorithms - Arrays, array lists, strings, stacks and queues, recursion, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, sorting, search, heaps, sets and set operations, trees and graphs, etc.
Digital Design - Boolean algebra, combinational/sequential logic design, logic gates, multiplexers, decoders, registers, counters, analog-digital serial data conversion etc.
Exploring Computer Engineering - Python, C++, web technologies (Javascript, Css, Html), and basic robotics (sensor-actors processing with Lego Mindstorm)
Object Oriented Programming - OOP, creating documentation, refactoring, design patterns, SOLID principles, etc.
Art of Computing - Programming on SNAP and Java. Created basic mini games.
Technology Management - Business side of the technology frameworks
Data Mining - Weka, KDD process, data representation, data preprocessing, pattern discovery, classification, clustering, recommender systems, data mining tools
Deep Learning - Tensorflow, Keras, classification, regression, feed forward neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNN), recurrent neural networks (RNN), long-short term memory (LSTM), transfer learning, pooling, sequential/functional APIs, generative models, optimization, loss calculations, hyper-parameter optimization
Computer Vision - Jupyter Notebook, Image processing, edge detection, feature extraction/detection/matching, image segmentation, camera operations(calibration, epipolar lines, etc.), homography, object recognition, deep learning on CV (YOLO), etc.
Autonomous Mobile Robots - Robot Operating System (ROS), feedback control, Gazebo, RViz, measurement models, sensors, bayes/kalman/extended kalman/particle filter, localization, mapping, SLAM, control algorithms, path planning, computer simulations